Sunday, December 27, 2009
Trip to Sungai Tekala
Aktiviti ini bertujuan untuk memberi peluang para pemain untuk berehat disamping meningkatkan semangat berpasukan. Selain itu aktiviti ini juga mengeratkan hubungan antara penyokong pasukan Zenith dan para pemainnya.
Pengurus pasukan tidak dapat menghadiri aktiviti ini kerana malas. Walaupun ramai pemain pulang ke kampung, aktiviti ini telah berjaya dilaksanakan.
Kami memulakan perjalanan dari Seksyen 8 pada jam 10.30 pagi ke Pekan Semenyih. 40 minit kemudian, kami tiba di lokasi. Terdapat banyak gerai-gerai yang dibuka di sana. Para pemain tidak melepaskan peluang untuk membeli makanan untuk mengisi perut. Bayaran masuk RM1 telah dikenakan untuk pengunjung.
Kami membuat keputusan untuk mandi di kawasan yang lebih tinggi kerana terdapat ramai pengunjung di bahagaian bawah. Pendakian agak mudah kerana jalan tangga disediakan untuk pengunjung. Tanpa disedari, kami telah tiba di penghujung jalan. Kami mengambil keputusan untuk mandi di situ.
Arul kemudiannya telah menjumpai satu kwasan air terjun yang menarik dan mengajak semua pemain untuk bertukar kawasan. Kawasan Air terjun tersebut sememangnya menarik kerana tingginya hampir 10 meter. Kami tidak melepaskan peluang untuk bergambar dan menikmati setiap saat di situ.
Pada jam 1 ptg,kami mengambil keputusan untuk pulang. Dalam perjalanan pulang,kami singgah ke sebuah restoran untuk makan tengahari. Restoran sebelah restoran yang kami makan terkenal dengan sajian istimewa seperti tauhu goreng,nasi ayam dan cucur udang. Walaubagaimanapun, kami tidak makan di situ kerana terlalu ramai pelanggan beratur di situ.
Aktiviti-aktiviti sebegini akan diteruskan dari semasa ke semasa dan diharapkan lebih ramai peserta untuk aktiviti akan menyertainya.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Keputusan Zenith VS Liverpool
Zenith 4-1 Liverpool
Gol-gol bagi pasukan Zenith dijaringkan oleh Aizat dan Rafi manakala 2 gol lagi adalah gol sendiri pasukan Liverpool.
Diharapkan para pemain tidak meninggi diri dan terlalu yakin kerana banyak lagi perlawanan yang perlu ditempuh. Para pemain juga diingatkan supaya menghadiri latihan agar mutu permainan masing-masing dapat ditingkatkan.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Zenith VS Liverpool
5:30PM Wednesday, December 23rd
Diharapkan semua pemain dapat hadir lebih awal agar segala persiapan dapat dilakukan dan mengelakkan daripada didenda.
Kepada penyokong-penyokong Zenith, anda semua dijemput hadir ke Mini Stadium untuk menyaksikan perlawanan ini.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Meeting Tergempar (bak kate Panjang)
Di dalam perjumpaan tersebut, beberapa perkara telah dibincangkan, antaranya:
1. Disiplin para pemain
- Kelewatan semasa perlawanan pada hari Selasa.
- Ketidakhadiran pada sesi latihan.
- Kekurangan peralatan (Shin guard)
2.Review perlawanan pada hari Selasa
- Cara permainan (Tempo permainan)
- Posisi para pemain.
- Komunikasi para pemain.
Diharapkan pada perjumpaan yang akan datang, semua pemain dapat hadir dan memberi kerjasama agar pasukan ini dapat meneruskan kejayaan demi kejayaan.
~Players Win Match, Team Wins Cup~
Zenith VS Cruizero
Pada separuh masa yang pertama, serangan demi serangan yang dilancarkan oleh pasukan Zenith tidak mendatangkan hasil. Cubaan oleh Aiman gagal membolosi gawang gol Cruizero hasil kecekapan penjaga gol mereka dan diburukkan lagi dengan keadaan hujan. Cruizero juga tidak kurang hebatnye apabila melancarkan counter attack apabila akibat daripada kesilapan pertahanan Zenith.Separuh masa pertama berkesudahan dengan seri tanpa jaringan.
Semasa masa rehat, kata-kata semangat daripada manager Zenith,Panjang telah menaikkan moral pemain-pemain Zenith agar terus menyerang dan mencari gol pendahuluan. Pada separuh masa kedua, beberapa pertukaran pemain telah dilakukan untuk memantapkan lagi barisan pertahanan dan serangan. Cruizero yang bertekad untuk mengikat kedudukan sedia ada sehingga tamat perlawanan telah menunjukkan kesungguhan mereka apabila mereka menambah pemain di posisi pertahanan.
Serangan yg bertali arus dari pasukan Zenith akhirnya membuahkan hasil apabila rembatan Ede,Kapten pasukan menerjah gawang gol hasil kekalutan di hadapan pintu gol Cruizero. Gol tersebut serba sedikit menjatuhkan semangat pemain-pemain Cruizero dan menyebabkan kesilapan demi kesilapan telah dilakukan oleh pemain mereka. Apabila masa perlawanan sudah menghampiri penamatnya, pasukan Zenith sekali lagi mencipta kejutan dengan jaringan kedua Ede hasil rembatan dari luar kotak penalti dan menerjah masuk ke penjuru kiri gawang Cruizero. Perlawanan tamat dengan keputusan Zenith 2-0 Cruizero.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Second Match
Berikut merupakan butir-butir mengenai 2nd match Zenit untuk Uniten Cup 2009 :
Tempat : COIT
Jersey : Green (2nd jersey)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Zenit st Petersburg vs Fc Tokyo

Pada hari Jumaat yang lalu telah berlangsung perlawanan antara pasukan Zenit dan Fc tokyo bertempat di Padang Ilsas..
Zenit dan Fc Tokyo masing-masing menurunkan barisan terbaik mereka dengan Zenit yang diketuai oleh Ide kapten pasukan dibantu oleh Rafi dan Munzir dibahagian tengah.. Barisan serangan diketuai oleh Aiman sambil dibantu oleh Nantha dan Arul..Sementara itu jentera pertahanan pula diketuai oleh Nas dan Azim di bahagian pertahanan tengah dan dikiri dan kanan pertahanan pula dibarisi olah Ryzal dan apit.
Sebaik sahaja wisel dibunyikan, kedua-dua pasukan saling melancarkan serangan dan mencari rentak untuk memperoleh gol pendahuluan..Namun pasukan Zenith lebih banyak menguasai bola tetapi pada 10 minit yang pertama pertahanan Fc Tokyo mudah mengekang asakan bertenaga pasukan Zenit dan banyak cubaan daripada Arul tersasar daripada pintu gol pasukan Fc tokyo..
Pada minit ke 17 serangan pantas yang diketuai Rafi membuahkan hasil apabila Aiman mudah menewaskan penjaga gol Fc Tokyo dengan sepakan mengelirukan daripada luar kotak penalti..
Gol Aiman nyata menyemarakkan semangat pasukan Zenit yang terus melancarkan asakan bertubi-tubi ke gawang pasukan Zenit..Namun disebalik keghairahan pasukan Zenit mengasak lawan serangan counter attack pasukan Fc Tokyo membuahkan hasil dimana pemain sayap Fc Tokyo mudah menolak masuk bagi mengikat kedudukan 1-1..
Kata-kata semangat oleh Mr Panjang iaitu manager pasukan Zenit ketika separuh masa, nyata memberi impak yang besar kepada pasukan kerana seawal minit ke-32 Rafi melakukan rembatan deras juga dari luar kotak bagi menjadikan kedudukan 2-1..Selang 2 minit kemudian Aiman sekali lagi meletakkan namanya sebagai penjaring apabila Aiman menanduk masuk bola hasil umpanan Nantha dari sebelah kanan..
Minit ke-35, Sashi masuk menggantikan apit dan perubahan posisi berlaku di barisan pertahanan..
Passing yang kemas ditunjukkan pasukan Zenit menenggelamkan jentera tengah dan serangan pasukan Fc Tokyo dan barisan pertahanan Fc Tokyo sekali lagi dihukum oleh ketajaman Aiman dengan rembatan dalam kotak penalti dan itu merupakan hatrick buat Aiman..Pada minit ke-40 larian solo dan skill menarik daripada Nantha dari sebelah kanan berjaya disudahkannya dengan rembatan cantik sekali lagi menewaskan penjaga gol Fc Tokyo bagi menjadikan kedudukan 5-1..
Pada minit ke-45, Zenit dihadiahkan sepakan percuma apabila Ide dijatuhkan..Rafi mudah menewaskan penjaga gol Fc Tokyo dengan rembatan kencang dicelah-celah benteng pasukan Fc Tokyo..Bagi mempelbagaikan jentera serangan pasukan Zenit, Munzir keluar digantikan oleh Apis dan Aiman direhatkan bagi memberi peluang kepada Aizat untuk menggantikannya.. Semangat juang pasukan Fc Tokyo harus dipuji apabila sepakan percuma pada minit ke-47 dari sebelah kiri pasukan mudah ditolak masuk Fahmie apabila keadaan kelam kabut di hadapan pintu gol Zenit..
Nantha kemudiannya direhatkan dan digantikan oleh penyerang berbisa Zenit Din..
Gol pihak lawan tidak mematahkan semangat pasukan Zenit mengekalkan aksi menyerang dan hasilnya pemain gantian Aizat menyumbat masuk gol ke 7 Zenit hasil gerakan disebelah kanan pasukan..Pujian harus diberikan kepada pasukan Zenit dengan aksi kemas pasukan..





Tuesday, December 8, 2009
First match

To all zenith players..
berikut adalah butir-butir yang berkaitan dengan first game zenith untuk uniten cup 2009 :
pukul : 5.00 ptg
tempat : Ilsas B
Jersey : Gold Juventus
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Kerjasama anda amat diharapkan..
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Sempena Uniten Cup yang akan berlangsung nie..diharapkan semua player dapat memberi kerjasama untuk turun training pada hari Isnin-Jumaat di Mini Stadium Uniten bermula pada jam 5.00 petang..
Training ini menekankan aspek stamina,teknikal,taktikal dan lain-lain lagi..Justeru bagi mewujudkan kesefahaman antara kesemua player Zenith, pihak pengurusan Zenith meminta jasa baik korant untuk turun training..
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Meeting Tergempar
To all Zenith player hari nie akan diadakan meeting tergempar pertama Zenith pada sem nie..
Butir-butir meeting adalah seperti berikut :
HARI : Selasa
TARIKH : 01.12.2009
MASA : 8pm
VENUE : A6 Guest Room
Kehadiran anda semua warga zenith adalah wajib..sebarang ketidakhadiran akan dikenakan tindakan keras..Kerjasama anda semua amatlah dihargai..tq
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
1st Friendly
To all Zenith palyers..isnin depan ade first friendly korang..opponent dirahsiakan..
so to all players korang mestilah be prepare mentally and physically..
lawan bukannye pasukan all the best kat korang..
Friday, November 20, 2009
To all zenith palyers..start jewr sem 2 nie korang semua terpakse menyediakan bayaran sebanyak RM30 cash..hutang tak mau and diserahkan kepada sama ada mr panjang, apit, nas atau aizat..
Bayaran RM30 nie adalah untuk mengisi tabung pasukan zenith bagi mambayar yuran Uniten Cup dan duit jersi apit tu...
Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut boleh menghubungi apit atau mr Panjang..
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Fitness up
Kepada semua player zenith diharapkan fitness anda semua berada dalam keadaan baik..
Sila pulihkan fitness anda memandangkan uniten cup dah nak dekat..
seelok-eloknya jogging la pada pagi atau petang..jangan asyik nak wat perot jewr..
terutamanya apit sukiman, basyir martin n ass manager rai..
sekian terima kasih..
Monday, October 19, 2009
Trademark Victory Over Sao Paolo
Pada awal permainan kedua-dua pasukan berusaha untuk mencari rentak permainan kerana cuba menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan padang yang agak becak..
Aksi tangkas pasukan zenith pada babak pertama perlawanan telah menenggelamkan permainan pasukan Sao Paolo..namun kecuaian benteng pertahanan zenith menghadiahkan gol kepada Sao Paolo hasil daripada tandukan rekriazie melalui sepakan sudut
Selepas itu zenith bangkit sebelum akhir babak pertama hasil jaringan penyerang berbisa din..
din menjaringkan kedua-dua golnya melalui rembatan kaki kanannya..Ide turut menjaringkan gol melalui free kick cantik..
Pengurus pasukan menukarkan beberapa pemain sejurus babak kedua bermula..Zenith hampir menguasai perlawanan dengan siri asakan demi asakan..Hasilnye aiman menjaringkan gol keempat pasukan setelah penjaga gol Sao Paolo gagal menghalang kemaraan aiman..Tidak lama selepas itu, Zenith menambah 1 lagi gol hasil daripada serangan dari sebelah kiri yang mudah disudahkan oleh aje..
Tahniah diucapkan kepada semua warga ZUFC kerana kejayaan ini..
p/s~rjin2 melawat blog kerana ada pengumuman penting dari masa ke masa..tq
Friday, August 28, 2009
great victory over da legend...
keputusan perlawanan amat2 menggembirakan walaupun pemulaan yg agak lembab..tahniah diucapkan kepada aiman kerana menjaringkan ke semua gol kita hari ni...4-2 tercatat pada score board di akhir saingan..tahniah juga kepada aizat kerana berjaya keluar dari kepompong dengan menunjukkan peningkatan yg mendadak pada game hr ni....tahniah juga buat semua pemain2 zufc...semoga pasukan ini akan terus meningkat dan kekal sehingga bila2....
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
training n frenly...
jumaat-28/8 ada frenly vs geylang kat coit..
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
match result...
zenit 2 - valencia 7
zenit 0 - uniten allstar 3
zenit 0 - valencia 3
zenit 2 - olympiacos 2
uniten cup
zenit 2 - stuttgart 1
zenit 2 - kaizer chief 1
zenit 1 - celtic 0
zenit 2 - vasco 2 (vasco mng penalti 3 - 0)
zenit 1 - kaizer (allstar uniten) 2 zenit 2 - redstar 2
zenit 5 - lyon 0 zenit 2 - panthers 1
zenit 2 - monaco 2 zenit 2 - olympiacos 1
zenit 3 - galatasaray 1 zenit 4 - geylang 2
zenit 3 - valencia 0 zenit 0 - benfica 3
zenit 3 - red star campuran 4 zenit 5 - sao paolo 1
history-part 2
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
history zenit uniten...part 1
training n jersey....
Monday, July 27, 2009
training n frenly...
RABU ade match vs VALENCIA kat pdg COIT...5.30ptg.....
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Denying the Opposition
Marking Marking and covering enemies ensures the prevention of their involvement into an attack. It usually forces the enemy attackers to move away from your goal by blocking their direct route to goal.
The two principles, on which playing defense is based, are compactness and quantity. In order to prevent the opposition from scoring, the defense has to be compact. They have to be closely packed and blocking the enemy's direct path to goal. This makes it harder for the attackers to develop direct plays and generally forces them to the flanks. In the left diagram we see how the black team is marking their opposition man-to-man across the entire pitch. On a large scale, man-to-man marking is not very efficient in delaying the opposition. On the right-hand side, the black team pitches in a tight, close formation. The midfielders mark tighter and the fullbacks push forward, leaving the enemy forwards offside. Players on the opposite flank also pitch in. In this example, the right fullback and the right midfielder will have to communicate and be prepared to pick up any free opponent on their side in case he runs down the wing.
The second most important factor in playing defense is having advantageous numbers versus the offense. In football, defending 6 versus 6 is more favorable than 3 versus 3. The way to gain numbers is by always having your midfielders drop behind the ball. Therefore, the job of the fullbacks is to delay the enemy and give time for the midfielders to retrieve.
Playing the ball out of danger is used to delay the opposition from advancing their attack. It should be applied when the enemy has built up momentum or when they have numerical superiority.
Pressuring means directly challenging the ball carrier with the purpose of regaining possession. It is a tactically aggressive act that may cause problems in situations when your defense is inferior in terms of numbers. In theory, pressure makes it more difficult for the enemy to operate the ball. That is why it should be applied more firmly around one's own goal - it narrows the enemy's chance of scoring. Applying pressure could also be used to regain possession of the ball. If the defending team has better/more aggressive one-on-one specialists they may try gaining control of the ball right away. Conversely, when playing against a squad of skillful dribblers, it would be wiser to challenge for the ball only after getting adequate backup. Where to pressure is another important factor that must be coordinated in a tactically sharp team. Pressuring with the intent of gaining possession requires a good amount of numbers and proper marking. Without shutting down the off-ball opposition there will be little effect in pressuring. Ideally, a tight defense would force the ball back/outside when applying pressure.
Providing backup, or cover, means having an additional defender behind the player who is pressuring the ball. This discourages the attacker from trying to beat whoever is pressuring him and forces him to pass the ball sideways.
Possesion and build up..
Possession and Buildup

There is a popular saying that states "If you can't pass, you can't play football". The ball can be kicked at speeds over 100 kilometers per hour! Passing is therefore a quick and energy-efficient way of moving the ball between teammates and exploiting possession. Defending against a team that can pass the ball well requires a considerable amount of work. Without team-wide defensive organization, physical and mental toughness, dealing with opponents who can dominate possession can be very frustrating.
As a coach, you should discuss with your team how you want them to move the ball and buildup attacks. Decide what would work best for your team: to knock the ball around the entire pitch or to make direct passes toward the enemy goal.
From a tactical standpoint, passes into space usually serve two objectives - they advance the ball forward and propel more attackers into enemy territory. It is no coincidence that direct attacks or counterattacks are built with passes into space. Conversely, passing at the feet of a teammate gives him the freedom to alter the direction of play according to his perspective rather than head straight for goal. He must further operate with the ball and/or hand it over to another teammate. This process usually demands the involvement of a higher number of players.
Another factor to consider is the latency of our pass. In you are playing sweeper, for example, you don't want to pass the ball to another fullback who is marked. If he is open, give him the ball early because the more you wait, the more pressure will be put on him.
Controlling the ball has a wide range of functionality and is essential for players of all positions. Control increases one's comfort level when handling the ball. That renders it very useful in situations where safety is needed. Sometimes, like when dealing with hard or high passes, it's eminent to use it. When used skillfully, control can get us away from dangerous pressure zones. Control can also be used to delay play and draw in enemy pressure. It is very important to have an accurate first touch because it determines to large extent the outcome of our following touch (it can even deter us from having such). Control must be applied in resect to the available space and time. Tell your players individually when and how to use control - in which areas of the field do you want them to hold the ball and where do you expect them to play quickly.
While sometimes it is better to control the ball into safety and deal with it carefully other times require quick execution. Deciding which to choose impacts team tactics. Defenders should work the ball with minimum risk, and therefore employ safe control along with shielding. Using unpolished or perilous techniques must be limited to a minimum. This will decrease possible errors at the back, which can be very costly. Midfield is a place where some experimentation should be utilized. At the attacking end, improvisation is a key element of success.
Statistics show that quick attacks are frequently more productive, meaning that using control too much may hinder our chance for success. That doesn't mean that when attacking we should rush the ball forward. Counter attacks or combinations in the final third require fast ball work while in the defensive third, we need to slow down and focus on possession and accuracy.
Operating on the field means using a variety of skills. Dribbling is the method used for transporting the ball from one point to the other. Tactically, it serves the same purpose as passing so it should be treated the same way. There is no sense in discouraging effective dribbling. For example, your attacks could be much more dangerous if you employ good dribblers who can carry the ball forward. Put your best dribblers on the flanks. Beating opponents on the wings causes more discomfort for the opposition by pulling out enemy defenders from the middle.
From a tactical point of view, dribbling is a way of repositioning the ball on the pitch. There are three main repercussions caused by this movement - manipulating the direction/position of enemies who are drifting towards the ball, beating defenders one-on-one and improving one's current field perspective by opening shooting/passing angles.
Fullbacks may carry the ball forward during the early stages of buildup to bring out opposing players and thus stretch out the compact enemy formation. In midfield, where most enemies are tightly concentrated, dribbling is good for opening passing lanes. Attackers and wingers apply dribbling to beat defenders and avoid their pressure. This allows them to shoot or cross the ball unhindered.
Essentially, dribbling is used in all areas of the field with varying purpose. On the flanks or in the final third beating an opponent can be of great advantage. In a condensed midfield dribbling opens passing lanes or shift the concentration/direction of enemy players. Overall, this skill is valuable in all positions and provides different advantages.
Giving support mean proving options for the ball carrier with the intent of preserving team possession. Without off-the-ball movement it is impossible to make sensible use of the ball. Be very specific and give examples to your players of how to provide support. In attack, it is better to stretch the game wide.
When your team is in possession, there should always be at least one or two players who check to the ball by moving towards the ball carrier. The best way to check for the ball is by running back, in direction to the sideline (so that you eventually become square to the ball carrier). This pulls apart the enemy defense.
Finishing usually affects a team's possession by putting the ball at risk and should be minimized unless a goal is needed or fairly likely to result. When protecting a narrow lead, there's no point in rushing all of your players forward in an attempt to score.
In general, an attacker can never be certain that his attempts on goal will be successful. However, when a number of teammates are in or around the penalty box, shooting on goal can produce a dangerous rebound. When taking such 'ambitious' shots one must place the ball on goal or at least keep it below the crossbar. There's no chance of a rebound if the ball is kicked high over the net.
Shooting must be used when one finds himself in a position where his skills are capable and likely of producing a goal. If the given situation offers better alternatives for using possession, then a good finisher must realize that and restrain his attempt. The execution of the shot balances the risk of losing possession with the chance of scoring a goal. During matches, give constant feedback to your players of what the current value of possession is. Missed shots should be viewed as insight as to what went wrong.
Finishing runs | ![]() ![]() |
To Aizat dan Shapiq....and the others
Do These Tell-Tale Signs Of Fragile Confidence Undermine Your Talent?
If They Do, My Confidence Coaching Will Help You Breakthrough!
You may have talent. You may have plenty of ability. But it counts for nothing, if your performance is undermined, by any one of these five self-defeating behaviours:
- You Feel That Whatever You Do Is Never Good Enough - A Perfectionist Streak
- You Make The Wrong Decisions - Especially Under Pressure
- You Experience Fear Of Failure - Or Fear Of Success
- You Lack Belief In Yourself - Even Though You Have The Talent
- You Dwell On Your Mistakes - And Then Make More Of Them
If this is you, then please read on...
1: Whatever You Do Isn't Good Enough - A Perfectionist Streak...
European Tour Winner and Ryder Cup legend, Colin Montgomerie recently said, that the reason he never won a Major title, in his illustrious playing career, was because of perfectionism. He went to four Majors every season, wanting to play his game at a level of 10/10. In other words, to play perfect golf.
This was because, he thought his rivals would all bring their A games to the Majors. All be at their best.
And secondly, because of the great history of those tournaments. He built the events up in his mind to epic proportions. And so put himself under far too much pressure to perform.
It was only when Padraig Harrington won his first Major in 2007, that Monty realised that playing at a level of 8/10 would have been good enough to win a Major. For Padraig didn't play perfect golf at Carnoustie in 2007. He simply managed his game better than the other players.
What does playing at 8/10 mean? It means being able to consistently do the simple things well. To not try to be perfect. And, this simple strategy is guaranteed to build up your confidence.
Do you, like Monty, put yourself under pressure to be perfect? And then beat yourself up when your not? Perfectionism can eat away at self-confidence. Whatever you do isn't good enough.
My Confidence Coaching, will help you perform in a much more relaxed way, that delivers results. Without having to be perfect! How much of a relief would that be? I will show you exactly how to play at a level of 8/10. And win!
2: You Make The Wrong Decisions - Especially Under Pressure...
All sports involve decision-making. And the quality of your decision-making, has a critical bearing on your outcomes. When England won the Rugby World Cup in 2003, Sir Clive Woodward pointed out, that Johnny Wilkinson's drop goal winner, was the result of him and the team, Thinking Correctly Under Pressure. Or TCUP as Sir Clive named it.
Perhaps you make the wrong decisions, because you are not thinking clearly. And the reason that you are not thinking clearly, is because you haven't mentally prepared properly, for your game or event.
You have no plan. You try to wing it. Deal with things as they come up. Sometimes you might get away with it. Usually you won't.
My Confidence Coaching will help you improve the quality of your decision-making. You will no longer begin events, feeling mentally unprepared.
I will show you how to prepare for your sport, in such a way, that will lead to consistently better decision-making.
The better the decisions you make, the more your confidence will grow. The more your confidence grows, the better the quality of your decision-making. Is that something you would like to experience?
3: You Experience Fear Of Failure - Or Fear Of Success...
Have you ever been in a situation, where you have the chance to score a goal in football? Or take out a double in darts? Or make a birdie at golf? Or close out a match in tennis?
But somehow you didn't. You know you had the ability. But you were scared of missing. In case you lost.
And that fear of missing, caused you to tighten. To choke. Maybe for your palms to sweat.
You see it all the time in penalty shoot-outs, where an experienced player hits a very tame penalty at the keeper. Or blazes wildly over the bar. Remember Roberto Baggio, 'The Divine Ponytail', in the 1998 World Cup Final?
You didn't know why at the time. But afterwards, when you thought about it, it was obvious. Yet, maybe you are still not sure what to do about it.
It's not a good feeling when this happens, is it? You rue those missed opportunities for days, even weeks afterwards. You could have won. But you didn't.
If you want to overcome fear of failure, then I will show you how to take the golden opportunities when they come your way.
I will reveal how to prepare for those game changing moments, so that you can be confident and clinical, when you need to be. Would that make a difference to your game?
4: You Lack Belief In Yourself - Even Though You Have The Talent...
Maybe you have the talent. You know it. And everyone tells you so. But, your performances don't show it. You under perform. Time and time again. And you don't quite know why.
As if you don't quite back yourself. Take the easy options. Stay in the comfort zone. Instead of really going for it.
You see it in players, who never breakthrough to the top level. Even though they may have the same level of raw talent, as those who have broken through. It's not a question of talent. It's a question of how the player, thinks about that talent.
That belief is under the surface. But it needs bringing out. Its my job to bring it out in you.
When you believe in yourself, confidence flows, and you start performing to your potential. My aim is to build your self-belief, so that you feel what it is like, to be a winner and a champion again!
I will give you belief-building strategies, to help you focus on what you do well. And turn weaknesses into strengths. So that step by step, your belief grows, and your talent is matched by your performances.
5: You Dwell On Your Mistakes - And Then Make The Same Mistakes Again..
Whatever your sport, you will make mistakes. That's normal. It's part and parcel of the game.
But its how you react to those mistakes, that makes a difference. Mentally strong and confident players, can put mistakes behind them. Move on quickly. Don't associate themselves with the mistake.
Perhaps, in the middle of a game, you dwell on your mistakes. You think, 'Why did I do that?' 'What was I thinking of?' And when you dwell on a mistake, your mind can wander and concentration weaken. Leading to another mistake.
Quickly your confidence falls to pieces, as you beat yourself up for having made another error. You know it happens, but you don't know what to do about it.
Do you recognise this scenario? If so, I will give you effective strategies to help you put mistakes behind you. Leading to better concentration, less mistakes and more success.
zenit uniten fc
i -Yuran bulanan RM10.00 seorang (mungkin mula kutip lepas raya)
Bendahari -Koci
Pen.Bendahari -Aizat
ii -Jadual latihan - padang luar setiap selasa dan jumaat (mula Jumaat minggu ini)
- jogging,gim dan swimming (ikut kesesuaian)
iii -Jersi - 1)Emas
2)Merah jambu
3)Hijau muda
iv -Jual beli pemain - Nije(Free Transfer)
- Sashi,Rafi dan Jaie (still on process)
Senarai Pemain Zenit Uniten F.C
Padil (GK)
Koci (LB)
Nije (LB)
Nas (CB)
Azim (ASS. C) (CB/RB)
Pak Lah (CB)
Syapiq (RB)
Atet (RB)
YB Hafiz (CM)
Megat* (AM)
Aween* (RM)
Wan (CM)
Mun (DM)
Edey (C) CM
Aje (LM)
Bashir (RM)
Aiman (SS)
Din (ST)
Aizat (ST)
-yang bertanda * perlukan perubahan disiplin...sila lebih komited..
-1st eleven akan ditentukan berdasarkan tahap komited anda..